Revar Desmera, as drawn by Conrad Wong (Lynx)

Revar Desmera

as drawn by Lynx

- Lynx

This image of Revar was drawn and colored by Conrad "Lynx" Wong, then scanned by me (Foxen/Revar). Normally Revar dresses in much less confining clothing, for easier flying, but this picture is somewhat of an inside joke. It's Revar, dressed in biker's leathers, in a gothic setting in front of the stained glass window of a church. Lynx is silly. The bikerbabe part got started when I began riding a bicycle to work in Real Life.

This web page was created by Foxen

Revar Desmera is Copyright (c) 1989-1996 by Watts Martin
The images in Revar-CW-150px.gif, and Revar-CW-800px.jpg
are all copyright 1993 by Conrad Wong.